Midsummer 2024

Full Moon ♑️ (Day of Ceremony)

It’s been a LONG time since the Grove of the Corieltauvi had met for a ceremony. I think the last we ever did was 2018- I could be wrong though.

As the Grove reopened in 2021 as an online forum we had met up a few times and experimented with different meeting types, so fortunately we got to meet most of the newer members face to face.

This year, the meetings have not happened and I realised that if we actually wanted to do anything as a Grove, the summer solstice was a good a time as any; that and if we don’t get something organised, we never will.

Thankfully, we did! For me and Tim, it was a case of dusting off the cobwebs of how and what we used to do in a ceremony. For Mel and Rosie, this was their first time doing a Corieltauvi ceremony which was loosely based on the OBOD guides on ritual- ok, we drew a lot from it and made it work for us.

On Saturday 22nd of June, we gathered in one of the woodlands of deepest, darkest (alright, it was shaded) Leicestershire and shared food, got to know one another a bit better and discussed what we were going to do. It was Tim’s suggestion that once we got to the ritual space, we do a further discussion and walk through- this was a life saver!

I would like to share with you three things I have learned from yesterdays gathering and ceremony:

Never worry about getting things right: in discussing with what we are doing, we can help each other out.

It’s always good to break the ice and chill before a ceremony, especially when we haven’t seen each other for a long time.

Camaraderie is more than friendship and trust, it allows for a safe space for everyone.

Altar piece for the Solstice
Altar with Grove Guardian (and Mascot!)
Feather found and now claimed for that Druid.

6 thoughts on “Midsummer 2024”

      1. Researching and recording my podcast! But I am glad to have been inspired to write on here again. 😊

  1. Always love hearing your stories and adventures. Something about it brings me joy. ;c)

    But what is the name of the Grove Guardian (if you’re able to share…) ??

    1. Dearest Moppet! It is always a pleasure to hear from you and I’m very glad my tales and exploits bring you joy. 😃

      The Grove Guardian’s name is Bracken, he’s not mine but he was very protective of us all and did his mother proud.

      Here’s hoping you are well? 😁

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